Language, Literature, Cinema, Dialogue

An Interrelatedness


  • Jyoti Sharma Chandigarh University, Punjab


Language##common.commaListSeparator## Literature##common.commaListSeparator## Cinema##common.commaListSeparator## Culture


Each art form has its own language and its own idiom. Just as the language of painting is colors and lines and the language of dance is footsteps and postures. Similarly, cinema also has a language of its own. The journey of language in Hindi cinema is very exciting. Many forms of cinematic language are seen from 1913 to 14. In the era of silent films, about 1500 films were produced in just 20 years. Certainly the popularity of these films was determined by the language. The more it was said silently, the more it was understood. The power of silent language can be understood through these films.


  • ##submission.authorWithAffiliation##

    Jyoti Sharma
    Assistant Professor
    Chandigarh University, Punjab


