Role of Yoga and Love in Establishing Global Peace: A Study
Non-Violence##common.commaListSeparator## Interpersonal relationships ##common.commaListSeparator## Social harmony##common.commaListSeparator## Global peace ##common.commaListSeparator## Conflict Resolution##common.commaListSeparator## Emotional Well-being##common.commaListSeparator## Mindfulness##common.commaListSeparator## Peace Educationसार
Though the term yoga, presently used to refer some postures which help to build up a good health, in
philosophy, especially, in Indian philosophy yoga denotes a philosophical system which aims at liberation
through eight-fold paths of yoga amongst which the first five are concerned for external purification and
the rest are associated with the internal purification and power. From the etymological perspective, ‘yoga’
means ‘to associate’ or ‘to unite’. The unity between God and his disciple, for example or any kind of
unity whatever it may be seeks another object to be united. For example, a full pot of dry flour can never
be used to form the bread unless the water is added. Here the water is the cause of unity of the dry flour.
Similarly, when a man feels to be united with the other an extra entity is needed and here this extra entity
is nothing but Love. It is such kind of power that brings unity and harmony in everything. It is
symmetrically used to refer something that consolidates the sources of peace and Non-Violence. In
philosophy, yoga is advocated by a particular system which is called as yoga system, whereas the power
of Love has been applied by those who prefer Bhakti though in a different sense Bhakti is also included
as a separate yoga. But the joint application of yoga and love is rarely seen in order to bring Global Peace
through the path of non-violence. That is why the present paper will focus how to bring Global Peace
through a conceptual analysis on the intricate relationship amongst yoga, love and peace and thereby to
bring a better world for the future generations.
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