A Psychological Study of the Impact in the Behaviour of Learners of the use of electronic gadgets and Internet in the Process of teaching-learning


  • Surya kant yadav DIET, Mahendergarh, Haryana


Gadgets, Behavior, Learning, Pandemic, Pedagogy


The process of teaching/learning dates to ancient times and evolved after a long process of innovations and research. In the Vedic era, the process of learning in oral form was in vogue. It evolved gradually to its present form. Writing and reading, and later learning through pictures was introduced. Gradually it was felt that the process of learning should be made joyful, interesting and engaging. In present times, toys and colorful pictures have been replaced by electronic gadgets and the internet. Their use in the process of teaching/learning has resulted in some revolutionary changes. Their use has become indispensable in the present age of computer and internet. Furthermore, the use of digital gadgets has made the task easier for the teachers and has made the study resources more accessible to students. But some ill effects of the same have simultaneously made inroads on the young minds of the learners and in turn, on the overall development of their personality. The impact of these changes has become manifest in psychological disorders of the learners affecting their social behavior. Over-dependence of these gadgets has created an imbalance in the hitherto smoother process of teaching/learning. The outcome manifests not only in the form of many disorders in learners but their learning level is also getting affected. This paper aims to provide to policymakers a need to explore remedies for the ill-effects of the use of the internet and electronic gadgets in the process of learning.


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Author Biography

  • Surya kant yadav, DIET, Mahendergarh, Haryana

    Lecturer in Psychology
    District Institute of Education & Training
    Mahendergarh, Haryana


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How to Cite

A Psychological Study of the Impact in the Behaviour of Learners of the use of electronic gadgets and Internet in the Process of teaching-learning. (2024). ShodhVarta, 3(01). http://shodhvarta.in/index.php/SVJ/article/view/PID-240201