Scientific Development in Freedom Movement: Alterity of Gandhian, Swadeshi and Nehruvian Economics



Freedom Struggle##common.commaListSeparator## Swadeshi##common.commaListSeparator## Science##common.commaListSeparator## Gram-Swaraj


Freedom movement has different phases, and the nationalist movement was a merged stream of different paths and post-independent Goals. The leaders have their respective idea and philosophy of the future of India. The economic front supported by scientific developments also faced a similar challenge during the colonial era. However, the more science-based rationality and progress, the one unitary goal agreed. Nevertheless, the expectations from the scientific community were two-fold: to enrich humanity through scientific contributions from India and cement India's place in the league of nations simultaneously, Swadeshi and Gram-Swaraj model expected scientific development to offer scientific and technical solutions to grassroots employments, cottage industries, and entrepreneurship in a country struggling to find its feet. The scientific development of the era faced the challenge of fulfilling the nations' upheaval of the soaring desire for minimal economic prosperity. Swadeshi industries and Agriculture relied upon the scientific development around the freedom movement. The paper aims to examine; Scientific development, contestation of aims and goals in the colonial era, reasons for Swadeshi and Gram-Swaraj based economics sought the support of scientific development, and the status of the contributions from the scientific development in Swadeshi and Gram-Swaraj economics in the freedom movement.




  • ##submission.authorWithAffiliation##

    Research Fellow
    Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science
    Sapienza University of Rome


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