Inter-Dialogue of Dravidian Languages with other Indian languages


  • Anupama Tiwari Alliance University, Bangalore


Dravidian Languages##common.commaListSeparator## Indian Languages


Four languages are spoken under the Dravidian language - Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam. The languages of the Dravidian family are very ancient as compared to the Indian languages. Sanskrit has a wide influence on them. These four languages are related to each other somewhere, as well as they establish identity with other Indian languages as well. For example, Kannada and Marathi languages can be taken. The matching of words can also be seen in Telugu and Oriya. All the languages of India are related to each other somewhere on the basis of thought, philosophy, script and analysis. This special form of him gives meaning to unity in diversity.




  • ##submission.authorWithAffiliation##

    Dr Anupama Tiwari
    Assistant Professor, Hindi
    Alliance University, Bangalore





