Anthropological analysis of Indian traditional medicine



Disease##common.commaListSeparator## Health##common.commaListSeparator## Traditional Medicine##common.commaListSeparator## Ayush System##common.commaListSeparator## Folk Belief ##common.commaListSeparator## Home Remedies##common.commaListSeparator## Forest Medicine


Today, many medical traditions exist within the framework of the same society and people have been using them according to their choice. Many types of treatment methods are prevalent in different countries of the world for the diagnosis of diseases, such as the major traditional medical styles of the world include ancient Unani medicine (Unani), traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Korean medicine, acupuncture, Muti (a type of conventional medicine found in South Africa), Ifa (a type of traditional medicine found in West Africa) and Ayurveda and Yoga Chikitsa (Indian traditional medicine). All these medical systems have their specialties; through these, patients are claimed to be treated and made disease-free. This is why all these medical systems have maintained their existence in our society today. Traditional folk medicine is the knowledge system developed by many generations of human civilization, which identifies, prevents, cures, and treats physical and mental diseases in a completely different way from the external medical system (WHO, 2008). Keeping in mind the importance of traditional medical knowledge in India, many organizations are seriously working in this field. Some leading research institutes such as Ministry of AYUSH, Botanical Survey of India, Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha (New Delhi), Central Council for Research in Homeopathy (New Delhi), Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (New Delhi), National Botanical Research Institute (Lucknow), Regional Research Laboratory Jammu and Kashmir as well as many universities and organizations are doing important work to increase the knowledge of traditional medicine and herbal medicines.




  • ##submission.authorWithAffiliation##

    Research Fellow
    Department of Anthropology, MGAHV


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