Hindi language and the expression of women's life

In context with the stories of Mohan Rakesh


  • Shabnam Panjab University, Chandigarh
  • Rani Balbir Kaur Panjab University, Chandigarh


Story, Literature, Post-Independence, Modernity, Feminism


Mohan Rakesh is one of the talented, eminent litterateurs of his era. His works are multidimensional. He has successfully executed the writing work in all genres of literature. But especially the story part of the fiction literature, especially the urban life and modern society, the relationship between man and woman has been beautifully designed. In the field of Hindi literature, he started as a famous story writer and later increasing the level of his writing, became world famous as a famous playwright. This research paper is based on the contribution of Mohan Rakesh in his stories in the field of Hindi literature. During the Nai Kahani movement, Mohan Rakesh seems to have written various forms of the real conditions of the post-independent society as a major pillar. Mohan Rakesh is most famous and discussed on the basis of experimental language in Nai Kahani movement. Because he makes the composition dynamic with new experiments and references. That's why Mohan Rakesh's linguistic base is the main achievement of his literature. Mohan Rakesh has also presented women in his stories in front of the society by presenting them in a different form. And Mohan Rakesh's stories have played a memorable role in changing the mindset and attitude of the society towards women.


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Author Biographies

  • Shabnam, Panjab University, Chandigarh

    Research fellow
    Department of Indian Theatre, Panjab University, Chandigarh

  • Rani Balbir Kaur, Panjab University, Chandigarh

    Professor Emeritus
    Department of Indian Theatre, Panjab University, Chandigarh







How to Cite

Hindi language and the expression of women’s life: In context with the stories of Mohan Rakesh. (2023). ShodhVarta, 2(01). http://shodhvarta.in/index.php/SVJ/article/view/31