A Study of the Role of the Indian National Congress in the Struggles of Indian Diaspora


  • Anoop singh Kushwaha University of Allahabad


Migration, Diaspora, Indentured servants, Indian National Congress, Agreement, Colony


Historical evidence of migration into India dates to Buddhism and the Maurya period. Buddhist monks and Buddhist missionaries were sent to Southeast Asia and South Asia, as well as groups of traders traveling out of India. The migration of that time was voluntary and short-term, whereas modern migration is associated with British colonialism. This began in the late nineteenth century with the transport of indentured labourers to their other colonies through agreements for work. The migration of these labourers\happened out of compulsion. The British government took advantage of this and exploited the workers financially, mentally, and physically. Mahatma Gandhi first raised his voice against their exploitation and fought a long struggle for almost two decades in South Africa. Due to the efforts of Gandhiji, the Indian National Congress, they have also started putting the issue of the exploitation of overseas Indians before the British rule from its platform. As a result, the recruitment of indentured labourers had to be stopped and laws also had to be made for the rights of NRIs. In this research paper, we will discuss the struggle of migrant workers and the support they get from India.


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Author Biography

  • Anoop singh Kushwaha, University of Allahabad

    Department of Medieval and Modern History 
    Ishwar Sharan Degree College


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How to Cite

A Study of the Role of the Indian National Congress in the Struggles of Indian Diaspora. (2023). ShodhVarta, 2(05). http://shodhvarta.in/index.php/SVJ/article/view/PID-231004